I had a good conversation today with the Anglican Bishop, The Rt. Rev. John A. Herzog, OSA regarding our differing opinion on the pending lawsuit against the members who bailed out Mr. Mugo from jail. We disagreed about most of the things without being disagreeable. He even asked me if I would like to run the church for him, and I graciously told him that I would like the job to be done by the experts. He also told me he has an open heart, and he is helping and has helped many Kikuyus get Green Cards. I graciously told him I don’t need one. He also told me that he has worked with Kikuyus all over the US, and I got curious to know where they are from back home. He told me that he has dealt mostly with Kikuyus from Kenya only. Well, you know let’s keep that aside for now, because it’s beside the point. From there we went down to business.
Don’t get me wrong, the issue about this blog is one, to make sure that the goodwill of the public about the funds is maintained, and the money is used for its intended use, if not, common law and common sense dictates that the money should go back to the public or an organizations that cares about the community.
For those who are new to the saga, when Pastor Mugo went to jail, the church had no funds to bail him out. So, honest Kenyans from the community came together and met in the house of one of the members and spent their personal time, resources to mobilize the community to see that one of their own was out of jail. And as they say, “…faith is no prisoner to reason”. When it comes to faith, you are allowed to be illogical. But this is a case about facts, and that’s why the community that contributed the funds needs an explanation from both the Bishop and Mr. Mugo
But according to the Bishop, get this, the money now does not belong to the community, it belongs to John Mugo wa Mwangi and company. Stop scratching your heads, which is what he said in our conversation. The minute the money was deposited in the church account to buy a cashier’s check to bond Mugo out, he believes technically the money belongs to the church. The Bishop also told me that the church has a chancery (that is a church lawyer I suppose) who will make sure the money is refunded to Brother John as he called him). I asked him why the law suit is filed by Mugo instead of St. Mathews, to which he could not explain. I asked him if he has any financial vested interest to the churches and the moneys, to which he said no.
I went at great lengths and pains to ask the Bishop if by any chance he contributed any funds that we do not know to help in the course, to which he said NO.
What is my point in publishing this blog, is this the kind of a people we have now become? Anyone who came to help this man did not have the intent of the money and the funds to be used for any other program. As I told the Bishop, we already have people arrested and sitting in the Immigration jails and the money should be used for such programs, to the beneficial of the community. TECHNICALLY, lawyers can prove anything. Technically, we can say Columbus discovered America, Technically. To make my point, let me tell you a story about a behaviorist who wanted to experiment on the thinking of different professionals. And so he invited an engineer first. He walked in, sat down and received his first and only question: What is two plus two? He did not hesitate and answered “of course it is four”. The researcher thanked him and sent him away.
The second in the experiment was an architect. They posed the same question: What is two plus two? The man posed for a moment and answered: “The answer is four. However, three plus one is also four. There are many ways of looking at it”. He thanked him and dismissed him.
Lastly to walk in was a lawyer. He was asked the same question. Unlike the composed scientists, he panicked. He stood up, went to the door and shut it. Then he carried his chair close to where the researcher was. Leaning towards them he told him: “You see, two plus two can become anything. What do you want it to be?”
What is my point? The lawyers can make two plus two become seven. In other words, their interpretation of the funds will depend on where they stand. Unlike the engineer who saw the figures in absolute terms, everything around it is relative and can be interpreted anyhow depending on interest.
Technically, I told the Bishop, should Mugo be sitting in jail waiting for the brainy people to argue technically who would end up with the money once our brother gets out of jail. What will happen to the unlikely person who may be arrested and asks for community assistance? Technically, with examples like Mugo’s, technically I don’t know.
utugi wa magegania niwahonokirie, riria ndari mutumumu mugo, ngihinguka maitho........ pastor please sing that song to your self and do the right thing
ReplyDeleteSo, are you saying that the guy who has the money now should keep the money? If so, whoever has the money now, will he refund the same to ALL those who contributed? Kanyiri also needs to be honest and say why he had the money directed to his account. So, what happens to those individual donations? Something is smelly here and some double standards being applied. If no conmanship is being perpetrated, then let all of us receive our money back. Period!
ReplyDelete"Kikuyus from Kenya only"...I thought Kikuyus are only found in Kenya?
The Bishop said so, because SOMEONE with a green card and right papers had to sign the bond. By then the signatory of St. Mathew account was Mugo and he was in jail, Alice was in Kenya and Gicuki the Tresurer were in Kenya and he had to put in to his account in order to cash the draft and give it back to the churches that contributed, which be did.He put his name on the line. Next time, he will learn not to be too involved na guteithia kirindi
ReplyDeleteI did not know that Hildah was involved in this. No wonder he was contradicting mugo in church on Sunday. She is saying money belonged to mugo and mugo saying money belonged to st. Mathew. Hildah also received a check from Kanyiri and she cashed it. Where did she think the money came from and what was it for??
ReplyDeleteI remember when Hilda was told to go and bail mugo out she said she is going to repair her car, and she mentioned she has no papers.And that's why she and Mugo are all over the Bishop,me, me and I mentality. I smell something here!!!!
ReplyDeleteits the green card card stupid. Obama is not giving the cards, nilazima watu wanjipange
ReplyDeleteKanyoni gakwa wihithahithe, na wonwo nduri wakwa!!!!!, Mugo meere kuruma rimwe to kuria
ReplyDeleteaki wakikuyu na pesa... whats wrong people
ReplyDeletewas ngobia right all along about this man and money!!!
ReplyDeletecan i get his kofia from walmart, looks cool
ReplyDeleteHe was speaking in tongues, only a few could understand. he knew what they were doing together. but the followers were to dumb to read between the lines. mugo, menyerera guita ukionoria
ReplyDeleteAnd where was this genius with a funny hat when we were having harambees. and now he has opinions, alikuwa wapi then?
ReplyDeletePlease give me the dates of the court. I want to see mugo asking for money that he never raised. Whats wrong with this man. I always see him on 75N at night, I didnt know that ako na mpango wa kando .... waooo. Anyways he is technically single.... technically
ReplyDeletethe issue is money.....ciendireie JESU WITU THENDI MIRONGO ITATU.I belive christians shold be bold enough and ask for an OPEN FORUM next sunday AS DEMADED ABOVE tigai guoya na nomuraria. lets remove the cat from the bag.ask questions and be answered with documents.tutige kuhakana giko. lets not personalise pastor the issue is money let him come with documents give coppies to members and explain. NEXT SUNDAY .CHURCH MEMBER
ReplyDeleteHildah why did you contradict pastor in the church when you gave illustraton with the guy who was jailed?did you mean the money belonged to Mugo?Then Mugo said, the money belonged to St Mathew and he is not a signatory>please be sincere next time.
ReplyDeleteThe mzungu needs cess money. It's a percentage and with $10,000 on the line, it's a pretty good chunk of change for Herzog. People who left trinity accused Ngobia of been controlled by mzungu, look what is happening now. Trinity has a certificate as a church under the diocese of dallas. The peace there is second to none, we should have listened people. Pastor Ngobia says everyone is welcome to go back to trinity, let's run people before this anti-christ finishes us. run kenyans run
ReplyDeleteWho is advising this Mugo! Tiga icera na atumia watakuweka kwa mwoto kijana. Mugo wife should know about this web..........ajipage tene ne tene
ReplyDeleteI am not from your church, but its sad a pastor can do this. This is the solution. Mugo, STEP aside. Let the treasurer who was there then use a power point from statement ya bank and show the church how much was there when you got arrested, add what the bishop says hilda put in, subtract what lawyers and other expenditures, then refund what was not yours by dividing to all other 4 churches. They will let you safe face, plus you plant a seed of reconciliation. And don't forget to withdraw the law suit. That's how I would do it. Ohh and stop screwing the Assistant Treasurer, that's big I think.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder she sat at the back seat ( the assistant treasurer) instead of her usual seat. What were the jitters for??
ReplyDeleteWho in his right mind would allow his wife and Mugo to travel alone and have a sleep over in NEW YORK for two days. I think you kikuyu men you are losing it. I have attended that church before, and I am not a Kikuyu, but I am ashamed about this man. Now going to New York unsupervised is another. And this lady, What were you thinking; even the perception for it EVEN IF nothing happened. That tells me about Mugos judgment. Can you go and withdraw the law suit and refund the 1700. What is 1700 that you did not even contribute COMPARED with your name. Man up and do the right thing.
ReplyDeleteOh well, people with small minds like u will never stop, before u talk abt. pastor Mugo what about the money you have stolen from kenyans along the years pretending that you will file green card for them.All you care about is cause strife and chaos wherever u r, you never even come to church, go open ur own church and run it with your dirty politics.We do not need you to talk for us, i contributed a small amt. Of the money and forgot about it.I think you need to work overtime and then you can be more busy coz you seem very idle.
ReplyDeletewas it stolen for you or you paid.how dumb are you, dont you know where the green card lottery is done. if you have receipt, sue him/her if not shut the F#$k up and stick to the issues
ReplyDeleteguys, lets not mix mbembe na mboco. This thing is soooo simple. Mugo,you have the list of contributors, write them the F$%king checks and cash and move on.Shit
ReplyDeleteThat requires honesty and I doubt that he may pass that bar. you are trying to squeeze maai kuma ihiga!!!
ReplyDeleteWho is the owner / owners of this blog. Come out clean and tell me unatetea nani . I contributed some money. I gave out in good faith.Now Mugo won the case>the money was refunded. I have no problem whether the money goes to st mathews or to Mugo Guys i thought people change when they come to America.some people will never change. The village primitivity over siasa cia kiraiku will never end.maybe some people came here b4 they faced the knife.Stop the nonsense.pesa nane upuuzi.
ReplyDeleteYou dumb fuck, you dont get it do you. mugo is now suing for money he never contributed, and he is not suing the churches that got the checks. and not all tribes face the knife, so I am a Luo... and I miss the point.
ReplyDeleteWho told you to contribute, if you are too busy, go to the next blog. no one told you to write. idiot
ReplyDeletehahahaah and the subject of the blog was ............
ReplyDeleteI can bet the admi of this bog is making $$$$ from web traffic. kukuyu na pesa!!!
ReplyDeleteI am missing the point. who is suing who, i go to upendo and I need details
ReplyDeleteOur pastor Rev John Mugo Mwangi is suing one of his member kanyire who presided over the fundraising to get him (Rev Mugo) from Jail. Kanyire apparently returned some of the money collected from community to Mugo and other churches that are perceived to have contributed it. According to available documents from collin county small claims court in another website. He claims Kanyire refused to give him all $10000.00 raised. hopefully I answered your question and if not. experts on this will chip in. ( dont quote me on this, ...this is what is going around). our pastor Rev. Mugo also mentioned it in the church last sunday.
ReplyDeleteSo, if he was to get a judgement on whoever he is suing, is it on 10,000 or the balance of what he was supposed to recieve. I am sorry, I thought Mugo was the one being sued. Is he the one who is suing?????
ReplyDeleteWhere are you guys getting 10,000. If he recieved ( as you say that he said on sunday on church) 6k from 4 churches, some people posting are missing the point. Then mugo should then sue for 10-6 as the the above post says. Where is the 10k...... someone fill us in. We are just getting the news, and looking of ways to resolve it
Lets have a harambee on sunday and pay the balance, and mugo withdraws the lawsuits. how is that people
ReplyDeleteits peoples court some us has never been in court before. I woulsd love to go there and listen in. this is good. we can learn from it. remember judge mathis court? yap.. this could it.
ReplyDeleteDrama drama from my own people. nice
mugo, when ngobia wanted you to go to jail, someone posted this in 2009. now you are taking the person who baonded you out. Just read it in case you missed it
ReplyDeleteThursday, June 25, 2009
a friend.
A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. What food might this contain? The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap. Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house! The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me." " I cannot be bothered by it."
The mouse turned to the pig and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The pig sympathized, but said, I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. "Be assured you are in my prayers." The mouse turned to the cow and said "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose." So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone. That very night a sound was heard throughout the house -- like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.
The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital , and she returned home with a fever. Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient. But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock.
To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer's wife did not get well; she died. So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness. So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember -- when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.One of the best things to hold onto in this world is a friend.
ReplyDeletewhy is everyone anonymous? if you all believe in what you are saying and can stand tall and say here i am this is what I think why be anonymous?????
ReplyDeletemary mwangi
this is very evil. gucambania gutheri.I think you should let the people involved solve their problems.wacheni udaku people of God.cut it off men.this is bullshit!!!!!!
ReplyDelete/kironji, if you do not want to contribute to a healthy debate, there are dozens of not millions of websites and blogs you should go to. I hope that your computer did not type its self. We are looking for a healthy discussion. Of course there are some people displaying the IQ of a broken toe nail.... we have them in any segment of society.
ReplyDeletejane w.Mburu
Help me understand this bullshit, if mugo was in jail when you guys were contributing the money, he is suing on behalf of who..... the contributors.... its not making any fucking sense.
ReplyDeleteallan muigai, St. Cloud MN
Call a spade a spade. Both mugo and ngobia are spades. They are hooligans. They are no better than thugs misleading God-seeking people. No normal black african leave about a pastor dare call immigration on a fellow african. And no pastor will sue for peoples' donations. God's case is not settled in courts people. What bible do y'all read? These two guys need to be put where they belong: be deported to run for political offices in kenya and if not elected become street thugs.
ReplyDeleteJanuary 6, 2011 9:27 PM
i miss church already on Sunday. the pastor is allegedly making up with the treasurer, people are seeking money answers from the treasurer, they go to out of state trips just the two of them..... whats long with us. is this judge judge church or what!!
ReplyDeleteWhat evidence do you have that Rev Mugo is suing for 10 000 dollars Just print that court document here as you have printed Bishop Herzog reply.Otherwise people should stop commenting about allegations which are just hearsay Let us stop creating a mountain out of a mould.You might be right but show us the proof Let us not be that dog which was barking at the shadow only to retreat to its kennel when the real enemy emerged.COURT DOCUMENTS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!I NEED FACTS
ReplyDeletecollin county administrative court offices has all these documents. We must get these documents.
ReplyDeleteBrothers & sisters in Christ. We all need to focus on what brought us to the US, to better our lives. Looks like we have lost our focus when it comes to this issue. Do not use the church as a battle ground it will come back to haunt you. Whenever you donate $$$$ to assist someone do not come back & spread negative about it & sing out how much you contributed, instead take that $$$ & help your broke relatives back in Kenya. No one forced you to donate in the 1st you gave it willingly. The bible says, if your right hand gives the left hand should remain silent. Mr. Kanyiri, please do what is right before God & the people who donated their hard-earned money. Keep Rev. John Mugo's personal life out of this respect his family, back home.
ReplyDeleteyou are sooo misguided. do you know that its mugo who is suing. Think about it, you donate money, and the same person is suing you for the money you have!!. dont you think we need to expose his guts to the community??
ReplyDeleteWhy reinvent the wheel? Kenyan community since jommo kenyattas time,is not new to doing Harambee like pastor mugos.Therefore,we should already know that there,s always a written agreement on exactly what to do with the funds before and after everything is said and done. Are you telling me that pastor mugo is Nyenjes and he has no such papers?Kanyiri decided to dishonor the agreement which was written and confirmed by committee that oversaw mugos fundraising. Dishonorable Kanyiri decided to dishonor the agreement due to the fact that he had issues with pastor mugo before he left st matthews.With all the evidence provided including all the messages in this blog,tell me which judge in his right mind will let kanyiri of the hook? He may have to pay all the 10,000+some few 100,000 more for the damages he has done.My players go to mugos family in kenya. Wife,kids,mother ,father etc.THE TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE.May God bless us all. Peace
ReplyDeleteIssues. I salute Mr Kanyiri for leaving st.matthew because Mugo for real is a mess. I was very new in st.matthew when Kanyiri was trying to fix the system of the church but Mugo who thinks money is everything decided to be kishwa gumu. Guess what Mugo if i were you i would make peace with Kanyiri and the community and agree that this suing thing was a mistake coz its is a real big mis advise. Choose smart people to deal with Mugo.