For the people who are new to the events, the idea of moving out and starting his own church made some "leaders" so mad that they did what you may not expect from your fellow Kenyan, writing a letter to immigration department and requesting his deportation.
Those who did this callous act we know them by their names, and i will promise to you as i said before, the sword of injustice swings both ways; and your turn may come too.
As we all know, this merry-go -round called America, life is too short. We tend to meet at uneven bridges from time to time.And unless you are a pretty swimmer, its a damn good idea to leave the bridge intact when you cross over the other side, You may need it too when coming back.
I know some of you are asking; why should i care, it has not happened to me YET.Remember the old poem "First they came…"attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller. It says;
"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;
And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
And then... they came for me... And by that time there was no one left to speak up."
Psalms 7:15 Those who dig a hole and scoop it out fall into the pit they have made. (NIV)
We need leaders who are willing to unite us, not divide and rule. We need to call them out by their names, and that is what will save us as KENYANS.
For those who have given your time, money, Thank You
Its very sad that we Kenyans especially Kikuyus are not united.We all have come to this place to better our lives and anyone's business should not be our business.Lets pray that Rev.Mugo comes out and the devil will just be ashamed.Lets pray that God may unite us once again.
ReplyDeletei am deeply sadenned by this article more particularly by this so called man of God who has time to sit down and write to the authorities about a fellow Kenyan and a fellow Servant of God. i am still in shock! what Bible do you read? I THOUGHT WE ARE OUR BROTHERS KEEPERS NOT BETRAYERS!PREACH THE GOSPEL AND MAY BE YOU WILL GET ENOUGH FOLLOWERS!!To pastor John , whoever u r, God be with u, u r not a criminal and God knows this!!1.Since when did church become somebody's bussiness?Sme day u will pay for ur brothers pain, infact may be sooner than u think!
ReplyDeleteIt was very nice to hear that Rev.Mugo is now free.Please continue to pray for him because the devil is a roaming lion.....The bible says.This gives us hope us believers that nothing is impossible with prayers.This encouraged me to pray always.....God listens.
ReplyDeleteAs you all talk of unity, we are also splitting the kenyan community. Pastor Ngobia never wrote to the immigration, he was the one begging John to be careful in everything he was doing. Pastor Ngobia was willing to support John if he had kept his word. Stop the hatred towards pastor Ngobia, anyone who know him, knows a man of integrity. People of God, stop complaining and know that God is alive and He will continue to uphold Pastor Ngobia. He is a faithful shepherd
ReplyDeleteDo you know the meaning of integrity and faithful? The're strong word don't misuse them.
ReplyDelete"And because majority of the people are in confession mode, can you confirm for me that Rhodah is Ngobias second wife."
ReplyDeletewhat value did this part add to your life??
muiici na kihii akenaga kia ruaa!!!!.....
"Its very sad that we Kenyans especially Kikuyus are not united.We all have come to this place to better our lives and anyone's business should not be our business.Lets pray that Rev.Mugo comes out and the devil will just be ashamed.Lets pray that God may unite us once again."...... choose not to be united coz you stiil follow the "DEVIL'S SWEET WORDS"......
....mutingitukania ringi, muchoke mutuorote.....
Call a spade a spade. Both mugo and ngobia are spades. They are hooligans. They are no better than thugs misleading God-seeking people. No normal black african leave about a pastor dare call immigration on a fellow african. And no pastor will sue for peoples' donations. God's case is not settled in courts people. What bible do y'all read? These two guys need to be put where they belong: be deported to run for political offices in kenya and if not elected become street thugs.
ReplyDeleteJanuary 6, 2011 9:27 PM
Anonymous said...
That is true. A wrong does not make the preceding wrong a right. Ngobia was wrong, Mugo is wrong. They both preach a message of hypocrisy. All sensible and God-seeking Kenyans should do what is right; boycott these so-called 'churches' and look for Heaven-seeking churches. Guys, life is too short. watch out before Jesus comes back and find you wrapped up in mugo-ngobia politics. Believe me He will tell you, 'I DO NOT KNOW YOU!' You cannot harvest oranges from a fig tree!
January 6, 2011 9:40 PM